
Wednesday, March 03, 2004


About room_23
Room_23 is a private project, we are not associated with any organization, religion or organized group. There are quotes on this site from; A.Crowley, AOS, W. Burroughs, D. Nilsen, J. Dahmer, Gaskins, K.Grant, R.A. Wilson, W. Gibson and other rebelz.

What is room_23
Room_23 is a text project, we invite everybody to express themselves, This means sign up, login and write. You can choose a topic and write whatever you want or whatever that comes in your mind to a chosen subject. Also you can change, or add content to, other texts. Room_23 is a multilingual project, we challenge everybody to write in there native language. If you dont want to sign up you can contribute anonymous to room_23, your articles will be posted under the name anonymous coward .
Contribute anonymous to room_23 [contribute]
Recommend room_23 to a friend [form]
Join room_23 [register]

Room_23 is build with xhtml templates and php4 in combination with a mysql database, running on a linux server. We use php-pdb to generate palm doc files. Room_23 works with every browser (yes links and lynx are supported). You dont need javascript activated to browse room_23. No gifs nor jpegs are used on the site. Coded with nedit and vi :wq!
Room_23 uses a system of random links between the articles, bases on the latest 100 refferer key words. Like in http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=thelema+crowley+will, here we would use the words "thelema", "crowley" and "will" to generate internal links.
Current [Hotspots]
We dont know why somebody would use it but anyway it is there: a script to get the latest 5 / 10 / 15 articles from room_23.
You could include this url in your page: http://www.room23.de/backend.php?max=5
change 5 for 15 to have the latest 15, default is the 10 latest contributions (url without max=).
ore use this simple script to grab the latest.
We are not responsible for ideas or messages posted in room_23 by others than the staff.[disclaimer]
Comments & other relevant communication to: [staff@room23.de].
Advertise on room23 ?: [advertise@room23.org].
For information about hells.org send mail to [staff@hells.org].

go to room_23


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  • !!! BUSH LIES !!!

    welcome too to:

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