
Tuesday, June 01, 2004


Born on Venus;
on Mars I died;
even survived Pluto;
still alive...
Me searchin' planet wide...

World's full of ghost;
can't say that to common people
what terrifies me most:
shitheads talk to me;
in me them they see,
of course I'm human to
and ghost ,
in chase of the steeple...

World's full of ghost;
evils host
even our local mayor
can lay her
head down and die;
hang out her tears to dry.
Don't give a shit bout those tears;
they're full of money.

World's full of ghost in all kind of appearances,
years and curiosity brought me to experiences;
Mankind's qualified
to be his big bad master's bride.
World's full of ghost...
Me searchin' planet wide...
Can't say that to common people

shared by : Stefanie Van de Velde.


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