
Thursday, October 14, 2004

Feds Return Seized Indymedia Hard Drives : SF Bay Area Indymedia 


Following the seizure of hard drives from two Indymedia webservers in the UK on Oct. 7th, the U.S. government mysteriously returned the hard drives on the 13th. The question still remains: who took them, and under what authority? All that is known at this point is that the subpoena that resulted in the seizure was issued at the request of a foreign government, most likely with the assistance of the U.S. Attorney's Office in San Antonio. Reports suggest that the seizure order may stem from an Italian prosecutor, who made a generic request for information which the U.S. reportedly extended to a full seizure order without authorization. EFF says it will take legal action to find out what really happened to Indymedia's servers and "ensure that Internet media are protected from egregious First Amendment violations like this in the future." You can help support Indymedia's legal campaign by signing the Indymedia Solidarity Statement.

Feds Return Seized Indymedia Hard Drives : SF Bay Area Indymedia

Belgische politici stellen vragen over inbeslagname Indymedia-servers
by christophe callewaert Monday, Oct. 11, 2004 at 4:25 PM

BRUSSEL -- Verschillende politici reageren verontwaardigd op de inbeslagname van twee indymedia-servers. Zij zullen in de politieke organen waar ze zetelen vragen stellen aan de bevoegde ministers. Zo komen er vragen in het Vlaams, Europees en federaal parlement.

Belgische politici van Groen!, Ecolo en Spirit willen de verschillende bevoegde ministers aan de tand voelen over de inbeslagname van de twee Indymedia-servers. Stijn Bex van Spirit wil aan minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Karel De Gucht vragen om de inbeslagname van twee Indymedia-servers door de Amerikaanse FBI grondig te onderzoeken.

and also: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/10/11/home_office_fbi_mlat_request/


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