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Absinth & Absence
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Stefanie Van de Velde
Sophia Alix
Herman J. Claeys
Sacha Warnberg
paleajed -
for you

Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Antipodal Dream Sequence
the sunlight sparkles in a quiet field -- magpie in a thorny bush, the breeze is welcome. the smell of clean rain, mountains in sunlight in the land beyond the clouds -- don't tell the blue jays. not far behind, you'll never catch your tail and that guitar is probably warped to hell, there in the corner. I'm sliding up the brick wall backwards like a time shadow creeping across the face of some sweet moon, someplace resembling a human
heart or a drawing in a bat magazine, blue full
moon -- I haven't seen any monsters. you can't
just fly away -- I said that everything was
disappearing, including you robotic birds. stand
in line for another hour -- finally Jimi Hendrix
arrives in style. mention the 7th whisper and
he'll hand you an envelope. my shadow comes with
strings attached. your conclusion, concussion,
concession, confession -- right into the madly
whirling blades of industry and progress, I have a
magic space suit with a special pocket for my
fruit snacks -- I think, freezing?
the scowling cat's face -- a storm's rolling in:
electric gray atmosphere, flapping plastic bag. I
squint at the sun, diluted sunlight purple
silhouettes -- clouds are on fire. a secret sunset
-- the cloudless blue sky clouds cover the town --
the old sun still burns. my fingers are numb. my
breath: a storm cloud. the unyielding sun. a bee
on a rock -- pollen from a strange flower, some
heavy honey. the soft, cool quiet -- cool shining
world, the smell of clean rain. mountains in
sunlight in the land beyond the clouds -- don't
tell the blue jays. blue wheelbarrow, the
squirrels are back, followed by black birds --
suddenly, they fly away -- blue full moon -- I
haven't seen any monsters. you can't just fly away
-- I said that everything was disappearing,
including the robotic birds. stand in line for
another hour -- screech of the blue jay -- one
tiny brown bird all alone, feasting on seeds --
where are the others? no birds in the sky, only
big metal airplanes -- sky holes leaking blue --
the path of fresh mud the sky on the ground
mountains cut through the low clouds -- sunlight
in pieces, black cows in the shade -- the sun's
too bright for their eyes -- too bright to eat
grass black birds in the yard -- one by one, from
branch to ground, up-and-down circuit -- silver
thread highway linking bush to tree to rock --
civilized spiders.
black birds feast on seeds resembling dust (and
almost invisible) -- the scowling cat's face, the
tiny gnats swarm, no birds, no bugs here --
they're all hiding out someplace -- I observe
myself. sunset behind the mountains -- clinging to
the fence, a flock of black birds have claimed
this yard as their own -- mankind has grown wings.
afternoon sunlight -- the sudden flapping of wings
-- a big, empty yard -- the thin, crisp sunlight.
the slightest warm breeze. shallow country creek
-- sunlight floats on the water -- blue full moon
-- I haven't seen any monsters. mention the 7th
whisper -- you can't just fly away -- I said that
everything was disappearing, including the robotic
birds. stand in line for another hour -- flowing
to the sea -- which is the softest? a patch of
bare trees grabbing at the sky -- no sounds but
the moaning wind, the creaking windmill -- softly,
wearing a disguise -- the sunlight sparkles in a
quiet field -- magpie in a thorny bush, the breeze
is welcome.
Comment: To the :::nostress::: crew: Best wishes for a creative and productive 2005! We'll spray-paint the palace walls together! Cheers... J. D. Nelson
shared by : J. D. Nelson

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!!! BUSH LIES !!!
welcome too to:

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