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for you
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Official Web Site of the 16th World Youth and Students Festival Caracas 2005-For Peace and Solidarity, we fight against imperialism and war!
The decision to hold the 16th World Youth and Students Festival in Venezuela on August 2005 was made on 6 January of this year, at a meeting of the General Council of the World Federation of Democratic Youth in which student and youth organizations from over 35 countries participated.
This unanimous decision was made in the spirit of friendship and solidarity and as part of the struggle for peace which has defined the WFDY for 59 years; it is sustained by a profoundly anti-imperialist sentiment and, today, it is inseperable from the struggle against neo-liberalism.
The World Youth and Students Festival soon to be held in our country is an expression of solidarity with and commitment to the struggles of Venezuelans, who work to materialize Bolivar’s dreams for the nation and consolidate the Bolivarian Revolution; it is also an expression of solidarity with Latin America and the Caribbean, regions that, today, lead the fight against neo-liberalism and imperialism.
Official Web Site of the 16th World Youth and Students Festival Caracas 2005-For Peace and Solidarity, we fight against imperialism and war!
The decision to hold the 16th World Youth and Students Festival in Venezuela on August 2005 was made on 6 January of this year, at a meeting of the General Council of the World Federation of Democratic Youth in which student and youth organizations from over 35 countries participated.
This unanimous decision was made in the spirit of friendship and solidarity and as part of the struggle for peace which has defined the WFDY for 59 years; it is sustained by a profoundly anti-imperialist sentiment and, today, it is inseperable from the struggle against neo-liberalism.
The World Youth and Students Festival soon to be held in our country is an expression of solidarity with and commitment to the struggles of Venezuelans, who work to materialize Bolivar’s dreams for the nation and consolidate the Bolivarian Revolution; it is also an expression of solidarity with Latin America and the Caribbean, regions that, today, lead the fight against neo-liberalism and imperialism.
Official Web Site of the 16th World Youth and Students Festival Caracas 2005-For Peace and Solidarity, we fight against imperialism and war!
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