
Wednesday, September 14, 2005

mechanical ozonswabbers & other smart civil disobediences 

Who wants to die Fortified with the Rites of Ozon ?

He's 95 years old now,he saw a lot in his life...
One of those was the invention of the car
He liked the idea, the car opening up his world,faster
He had several cars during his life
During the 1950's,after worldwarII he & many others witnessed the birth of mass-production
of many material things
About 20 years laterdue to mass-production he witnessed an enormous variety of environmental troubles he'd never known before
He overthought & overthought
He decided to be civil disobedient after all it was better to do so for the good sake of of all the other civilians aswell,including his grandchildren and all the grandchildren on Earth
He decided to built himself a real smart car
driving on magnetical power,magnets ,no water
He had read sometime before someone already invented such a car but the plans had to stay in a secret drawer because of OIL
And the old man succeeded in re-arranging his car ,nobody noticed the mechanism under the bonnet

He's 95 and from his still rockin' chair with twinkles in his eyes he says:
Regret dear youngsters
More and more you get astmatic
and what for
you've no freedom & peace of mind anymore
the docter has to give to more and more a puff
and youth... where's your Puff the magic dragon...
It's time you all start to be aware of the necessity of less polluting selfcreated miraculous things ,in many ways...
Civil Disobedience is sometimes a form of protecting you as a civilian and protecting all civilians,protecting the habitat of all ,protecting the Chart ofHuman Rights .

shared by : wosky


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