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for you
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Beyond Crime and Punishment
Timothy Wilken, MD writes: In our present world, it is widely believed that mistakes are the result of badness. So when mistakes occur, we investigate, blame and punish. This belief has resulted in a world where violence, hate and judgment are common. Synergic science reveals that mistakes are in fact the result of ignorance. If we understand this, then when a mistake occurs, we would analyze, determine responsibility, and educate. This could soon lead to a world where public safety, love and compassion are common. ... Our human science has revealed that our knowing is incomplete and imperfect. This means that every human belief is an assumption. We can never know for sure. We can never know ALL. As you sit in your chair reading these words, you assumed the chair would hold you. You did not check under the chair to see if it had broken since its last use. When you ate lunch at your favorite restaurant last week, you assumed the waitress had washed her hands. You assumed the cook did not have hepatitis. If you had assumed otherwise, you would not have walked into that restaurant. You would not have eaten your lunch. We humans assume. Herein lies our uncertainty — that’s all we humans can do. There is nothing wrong in our assuming, we are simply obeying a fundamental ‘law’ of Nature. (08/27/05)
News for a Synergic Earth : Future Positive
Video: Police State III: Total Enslavement
media underground
It is a tiny diminutive thing that ordains our life.
Mankind/ our suffering/ our false hope/ our manipulation of the truth/ our enemy-creative thinking/ our repeating pride/ our phasic destruction of cultures/ our temporary life. Everything can be related to a missing link between the left and right brain part: our corpus callosum- a "calcified" bridge. That's the Crown of Thorns, our Lucifer Being. Due to this we think in straight lines in which birth is the beginning and death the end. That's our fight for life. Though, in cosmic view birth and death are the beginning and the end in between; a part of a circle.
Genesis of Cancer
lees ook hier
Disinformation :: Flickr Fans To Yahoo: Flick Off!
'The portal giant bought Flickr's developer, Ludicorp, for an undisclosed sum in March and took ownership of the site when it moved from Vancouver, Canada, to Yahoo's Sunnyvale, California, campus this summer.' (Wired News article).
Disinformation :: Flickr Fans To Yahoo: Flick Off!
Flick off ....!.?.!....
tags: yahoo+privacy flickr+privacy flickr+yahoo
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
the joyous cosmology @ "de Muziekdoos" (september 01, 2005)
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the Hospitality Club
Do you love traveling?
Do you love helping other people?
Then this is the place for you to be!
Our aim is to bring people together - hosts and guests, travelers and locals. Thousands of Hospitality Club members around the world help each other when they are traveling - be it with a roof for the night or a guided tour through town. Joining is free, takes just a minute and everyone is welcome. Members can look at each other's profiles, send messages and post comments about their experience on the website.
The club is supported by volunteers who believe in one idea: by bringing travelers in touch with people in the place they visit, and by giving "locals" a chance to meet people from other cultures we can increase intercultural understanding and strengthen the peace on our planet.
Come onboard - join the largest online hospitality exchange organization! You will meet friendly people and find free accommodation when you travel to any corner of the world. There are no obligations (you do not have to host anyone at your home!), membership is free and we would love to have you in our world wide web of friendly people!
Learn more - Sign up!
Afghanistan . Albania . Algeria . American Samoa . Andorra . Angola . Anguilla . Antigua and Barbuda . Argentina . Armenia . Aruba . Australia . Austria . Azerbaijan . Bahamas . Bahrain . Bangladesh . Barbados . Belarus . Belgium . BelizeBenin . Bermuda . Bhutan . Bolivia . Bosnia and Herzegovina . Brazil . Bulgaria . Burkina Faso . Burundi . Cambodia . Cameroon . Canada . Cape Verde . Cayman Islands . Chile . China . Colombia . Congo . Congo, DR . Costa Rica . Côte d`Ivoire . Croatia . Cuba . Cyprus . Czech Republic . Denmark . Dominican Republic . Ecuador . Egypt . El Salvador . Estonia . Ethiopia . Fiji . Finland . France . French Guiana . French Polynesia . Gabon . Gambia . Georgia . Germany . Ghana . Greece . Greenland . Grenada . Guadeloupe . Guam . Guatemala . Guyana . Haiti . Honduras . Hungary . Iceland . India . Indonesia . Iran . Iraq . Ireland . Isle of Man . Israel . Italy . Jamaica . Japan . Jersey . Jordan . Kazakhstan . Kenya . Kuwait . Kyrgyzstan . Laos . Latvia . Lebanon . Lesotho . Libya . Liechtenstein . Lithuania . Luxembourg . Macao . Macedonia . Madagascar . Malaysia . Maldives . Mali . Malta . Martinique . Mauritania . Mauritius . Mexico . Moldova . Monaco . Mongolia . Morocco . Mozambique . Namibia . Nepal . Netherlands . New CaledoniaNew Zealand . Nicaragua . Nigeria . Northern Mariana Islands . Norway . Oman . Pakistan . Palau . Palestine . Panama . Papua New Guinea . Paraguay . Peru . Philippines . Poland . Portugal . Puerto Rico . Qatar . Réunion . Romania . Russian Federation . Rwanda . Saint Kitts and Nevis . Saint Lucia . Samoa . Sao Tome and Principe . Saudi Arabia . Senegal . Serbia and Montenegro . Seychelles . Sierra Leone . Singapore . Slovakia . Slovenia . Somalia . South Africa . South Korea . Spain . Sri Lanka . Sudan . Sweden . Switzerland . Syria . Taiwan . Tajikistan . Tanzania . Thailand . Togo . Trinidad and Tobago . Tunisia . Turkey . Turkmenistan . Turks and Caicos Islands . Uganda . Ukraine . United Arab Emirates . United Kingdom . United States of America . Uruguay . Uzbekistan . Vanuatu . Venezuela . Viet Nam . Yemen . Zambia . Zimbabwe . . .
the phone
everyone was hearing criminal terrorist voices
Whatta you think of that?
The pizzaman in Soho got wrongly connected with
the phonechip who detonated a brainwashed individu in the midst of London
Pizzaman just said double cheese before he was wrongly shot by the police
His tragic end in an earthly furious tragic politic bolognese
4 stagione later
the newspapers will try to tell you the dog shitted the phone
IS PLUTONIUM euhmmm...
shared by : wosky
With All
Bad Case
in calling you
It'all 'bout the
the mphoney
NOK NOK... who's there... I A
doinkey ringtones
One year is a proximüëslichips all we göt
the phöne is wieder kapöt
And there ain't no cure
for the sms blues
mobile free
less to pay,
less to throw away
more to live, hear and see
shared by : Wosky
Friday, August 26, 2005
shared by : snelle willie
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Assassinate Chavez, Pat Robertson tells a stunned America
By Andrew Buncombe in Washington
Pat Robertson, one of the most influential Christian evangelists in the United States, has sparked controversy by calling for the assassination of the left-wing leader of Venezuela.
Mr Robertson, who heads the Christian Coalition and has close links to the White House, said the US should kill President Hugo Chavez because he wanted to turn his Catholic country into "the launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism".
"We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability," Mr Robertson said on the Monday night broadcast of his religious programme The 700 Club. "We don't need another $200bn war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator. It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with."
Venezuela, whose relationship with the US has become increasingly difficult in recent years, described Mr Robertson's comments as a form of terrorism and called on the White House to condemn them.
Speaking in Caracas, Vice-President Jose Vicente Rangel said: "This is a huge hypocrisy to maintain an anti-terrorist line and at the same time have such terrorist statements as these made by Christian preacher Pat Robertson coming from the same country. The ball is in the US court now, after this criminal statement by a citizen of that country."
Mr Chavez, a failed revolutionary who later won power at the ballot boxes, has long been at odds with the US. In 2002 the Bush administration offered support to Mr Chavez's opponents who briefly overthrew him in a coup. The US also provided money to groups which last year organised a recall vote in a failed effort to dislodge the President.
Mr Chavez, who beat the recall vote as the result of his support among Venezuela's poor, has often accused the US of trying to assassinate him - echoing the claims of one of his closest allies, Fidel Castro, who he was yesterday visiting in Cuba. The US has admitted that during the Sixties it initiated several operations to kill the Cuban leader.
Independent Online Edition > Americas : app2
Example Of Fascism In America - Utah Youth Treated Like Terrorists!
Summary:“This was one of the scariest things I have ever witnessed in person. I can’t even begin to describe how surreal it was. Helicopters, assault rifles, tear gas, camouflage -wearing soldiers…. why?”
Video of Police Attack On Utah Rave
Click here to view – Windows MediaIndyMedia coverage here.
[Posted By ShiftShapers]
By Evol Intents
Republished from ICH
Evol Intents Account Of The Incident
Last night, I was booked to play an event about an hour outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. The hype behind this show was huge, they presold 700 tickets and they expected up to 3,000 people total. The promoters did an amazing job with the show.. they even made slipmats with the flyers on them to promote in local shops.
So, we got to the show around 11:15 or so and it was really cool. It was all outdoors, in a valley surrounded by huge mountains. They had an amazing light show flashing on to a mountain behind the site, the sound was booming, the crowd was about 1500 people thick and everything just seemed too good to be true really. Well…
At about 11:30 or so, I was standing behind the stage talking with someone when I noticed a helicopter pulling over one of the mountain tops. I jokingly said “Oh look, here comes big brother” to the person I was with. I wasn’t far off.
The helicopter dipped lower and lower and started shining its lights on the crowd. I was kind of in awe and just sat and watched this thing circle us for a minute. As I looked back towards the crowd I saw a guy dressed in camoflauge walking by, toting an assault rifle. At this point, everyone was fully aware of what was going on . A few “troops” rushed the stage and cut the sound off and started yelling that everyone “get the fuck out of here or go to jail”. This is where it got really sticky.
No one resisted. That’s for sure. They had police dogs raiding the crowd of people and I saw a dog signal out a guy who obviously had some drugs on him. The soldiers attacked the guy (4 of them on 1), and kicked him a few times in the ribs and had their knees in his back and sides. As they were cuffing him, there was about 1000 kids trying to leave in the backdrop, peacefully. Next thing I know, A can of fucking TEAR GAS is launched into the crowd. People are running and screaming at this point. Girls are crying, guys are cussing… bad scene.
Now, this is all I saw with my own eyes, but I heard plenty of other accounts of the night. Now this isnt gossip I heard from some candy raver, these are instances cited straight out of the promoters mouth..
Example Of Fascism In America - Utah Youth Treated Like Terrorists!
Verdraaide Wereld
’t Is een verdraaide wereld…
De wereld draait rond…
en wij draaien mee, natuurlijk.
De wereld draait soms vierkant…
we staan niet altijd stil bij wat we teweeg brengen in onze omgeving en ver weg.
De wereld draait door...
maar niet iedereen kan mee.
Verdraai de wereld!
De uitdaging? Een wereld waar iedereen z’n draai kan vinden!
Dus verdraaien we de wereld. Een jaar lang maken wij, samen met de Vlaamse noordzuid- en milieuorganisaties, werk van een wereld die rechtvaardig, solidair en eerlijk is. Hier en elders, nu en later.
In onze groep, in onze gemeente, thuis, gaan we samen de uitdaging aan: spelen, rondtrekken, op avontuur gaan, kamperen, creatief zijn, feesten, actie voeren op een manier die ons eigen is. Zó dat de wereld langer meegaat. Uit solidariteit met mensen dichtbij en ver weg. In kleine en grote dingen laten we ons prikkelen om het net iets anders aan te pakken.
Een andere wereld? Daar draaien wij ons hand niet voor om! Want de wereld, dat zijn wij.
250.000 kinderen en jongeren met zin in een frisse toekomst
Verdraaide Wereld - Thema in de kijker
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Langs de europese lobbynetwerken (verslag met foto's) : Indymedia Belgium
by Verslag Keltoum Belorf, Foto's Legasse
Iedereen heeft welleens iets gehoord of gelezen over lobbygroepen. Maar wist je dat er in Brussel alleen al ongeveer 15000 lobyisten rondlopen terwijl er 18000 ambtenaren werken voor de Europese Unie. 5000 lobbyisten hebben een accreditatie om zich vrij te bewegen in het Europees parlement terwijl er 750 EU-parlementariers zijn. De rekensom is dus snel gemaakt bijna 7 lobyisten per parlementarier. Nog een een laatste cijfer om het type invloed te illustreren. Ongeveer 70% van de lobbyisten werken in opdracht van bedrijven, 20% voor maatschappelijke organisaties als NGO's en 10% verdedigen de belangen van de lidstaten.
Langs de europese lobbynetwerken (verslag met foto's) : Indymedia Belgium
Monday, August 22, 2005
Some Moral Dilemmas
Some Moral Dilemmas
Photos capture human footprint on Africa
WASHINGTON - One hundred thousand images, 70,000 miles and 21 countries later, conservationist J. Michael Fay thinks Bono, Live 8 and the G-8 have been misguided.
Hundreds of hippopotamuses crowd into what is left of the Katuma River in Tanzania's Katavi National Park August 17, 2005. The near-motionless hippos are fighting for life as they lie in just inches of water. Irrigation for agriculture near this river is the suspected cause of the hippos' plight. REUTERS/Michael Fay/National Geographic Magazine/Handout
Fay, a biologist and member of the Wildlife Conservation Society and National Geographic Society, spent seven months flying at low altitudes across Africa, and he has mapped enough of the human footprint on his trip to be disturbed, he said at a news conference Wednesday to highlight his findings.
"People aren't connecting the dots," he said of African relief efforts. "We gotta stop talking about poverty alleviation, and we gotta start talking about sustainable development."
Photos capture human footprint on Africa
Friday, August 19, 2005
Gaza in onze media : Indymedia Belgium
De kwestie van de nederzettingen is de laatste maanden niet meer uit het nieuws weg te branden. Dat heeft uiteraard te maken met Sharons terugtrekkingsplan uit Gaza. In meer dan één opzicht is dit, zoals we van Sharon al nog gezien hebben, een meesterlijk plan. De Israëlische premier is er in geslaagd om de internationale journalistieke (en politieke) wereld 'om de tuin te leiden'.
De focus van de berichtgeving ligt immers op de 'controverse' van het Gaza-terugtrekkingsplan en niet op de illegaliteit van de nederzettingen. In de Israëlische pers is de operatie al in de meest beladen termen bediscussieerd en geanalyseerd, daarbij gevolgd door de hele wereld die er als het ware van overtuigd is geraakt, dat Israël balanceert op de rand van een burgeroorlog.
In de mainstream pers lijkt het er bovendien op dat Sharon ernstige pogingen doet om tot vrede te komen door moedig en royaal land af te staan aan de Palestijnen ondanks het verzet in eigen rangen. Kranten van mediamagnaten als Rupert Murdoch doen er graag een schepje bovenop. Op 14 juli 2005 bijvoorbeeld luidde de kop van een artikel in zijn Britse The Daily Telegraph: 'Danger on two fronts for Sharon's peace plan'.
Voor alle duidelijkheid: de terugtrekking is geen voorbode voor vrede, maar de prijs die de Israëlische regering moet betalen voor de VS-steun aan het Israëlische plan om grote stukken van de Westelijke Jordaanoever te behouden. Dat is geen verborgen politieke agenda. In een interview met Le Monde (27 juli 2005) windt Sharon er geen doekjes om: "Het akkoord dat ik met president Bush heb gesloten staat ons toe om de zones die een grote strategische waarde hebben en de dichtbevolkte zones, de grote nederzettingen, in stand te houden." Ook op het terrein is duidelijk dat wat in Gaza wordt ontmanteld in mum van tijd wordt bijgebouwd op de Westelijke Jordaanoever. Een week voor het vertrek uit Gaza keurde het ministerie van Huisvesting de bouw van 72 nieuwe woningen goed in de kolonie Betar Illit. Volgens officiële cijfers zijn er sinds begin dit jaar 235 nieuwe woningen gebouwd in de kolonies van de Westelijke Jordaanoever, de meeste daarvan in de buurt van Jeruzalem. Terwijl alle aandacht naar Gaza gaat heeft de Israëlische regering een beslissing bevestigd om de muur in Oost-Jeruzalem af te werken. Ongeveer 55.000 Palestijnse inwoners van Jeruzalem zullen volledig afgesneden worden van hun stad. In Jeruzalem wordt er ook volop onteigend. Dit jaar zijn er 55 Palestijnse huizen met de grond gelijk gemaakt, voor 64 huizen zijn de orders klaar om tot afbraak over te gaan. Volgens het Israëlische Comité tegen Huizenvernietiging, wacht 10.000 andere huizen in Oost-Jeruzalem hetzelfde lot. Israël heeft enkele maanden geleden aangekondigd dat er 3.500 wooneenheden in Oost-Jeruzalem worden bijgebouwd. Eens voltooid zal rond wat nu nog Palestijns Jeruzalem is volledig ingesloten zijn door Joodse nederzettingen en Jeruzalem als hoofdstad van een toekomstige Palestijnse staat nog meer bemoeilijkt worden.
Gaza in onze media : Indymedia Belgium
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Peace 1946
Peace 1997
Peace 2006
Nominations close February 1, 2006.
Today in Iraq
Broken links in Iraq
17 - 8 - 2005
How can western citizens aid people in shattered post-war Iraq?
In her first monthly openDemocracy column, Maura Stephens tells a story of fragile solidarity.
Two years ago I spent about four hours in the presence of a man I’ll call B. Such was his impression on me that hardly four hours have passed since that day when he has not been in my thoughts.
B was at the time dean of the college of arts at the University of Mosul in the historic city some four hours north of Baghdad. The university is approximately the size of Cornell University in my hometown of Ithaca, New York, with about 23,000 undergraduate and graduate students studying in eighteen colleges.
It was early July 2003, a little over two months since George W Bush had declared victory in Iraq and an end to major hostilities. The University of Mosul, like hundreds of other colleges, libraries, schools, and museums, had been looted on Friday 11 April, two days after the “fall of Baghdad.”
The place was decimated that day. Everything down to the switch plates on the walls was ripped out. The language labs used to house tape machines and lesson books for students to practice their language skills in English and French. There was nothing left. The professors’ office doors were smashed in. All their meagre books, the office telephones, and their personal effects, including one young English professor’s only copy of her wedding photo, were taken.
From the classrooms and administrative offices, everything – computers, copiers, phones, printers, books, papers, lightbulbs, desks, chairs, ceiling fans – was gone within a couple of hours. The dean and the professors told us they hadn’t recovered anything, and they hadn’t received one scrap of paper’s worth of assistance.
Broken links in Iraq Maura Stephens - openDemocracy
zero commerce
From a free store to a grassroots network that's making it easier than ever for people to give things away, more and more young people are re-using and freecycling.
Welcome to Infoshop News
Wednesday, August 17 2005 @ 11:07 AM PDT
Brooklyn: Free-Cyclin at the Free Store
Friday, April 01 2005 @ 10:42 AM PST
Contributed by: Admin
Views: 561
'If it's not tied down, take it.' With those words, a store operating under the radar in Brooklyn is changing the way people look at commerce, ownership, and interpersonal exchange. On the internet, a grassroots network called Freecycle is making it easier than ever for people to give things away, no strings attached. Is an emerging 'free' market carving out its own niche beside mainstream consumer culture? Are young people helping to lead the way?
By Holly Beck
Posted on March 11, 2005
Comment: more freeshoppîng... yeah!
The Freecycle NetworkT is made up of many individual groups across the globe. It's a grassroots movement of people who are giving (& getting) stuff for free in their own towns. Each local group is run by a local volunteer moderator (them's good people). Membership is free. To sign up, find your community by clicking on the region on the right. It will generate an automatic e-mail which, when sent, will sign you up for your local group and send you a response with instructions on how it works. Or, go directly to the Web site for your local group by clicking on your community's link on the left. Can't find a group near you? You might want to consider starting one (click on "Start a Group" for instructions). Have fun!
shared by : wildpoetry
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
"Artist with .4" aka "6" - A Wooster Profile
Profile: "Artist with .4" aka "6"
Age: 45
Hometown: Ludwigshafen
Where do you now live?: Berlin
Where would you most like to live?: Berlin
Who was your first "hero" in life?: my teacher
What is your favorite thing to do on your day off from work?: pc work
What is your favorite color?: white
Who (or what) do you love?: inventions
Who and/or what are some of your influences? 4ciiiiiiiiid_m4n
What other artists do you most admire? David Blaine
(click here for details on this project)How would you describe your art to someone who could not see it?
I "write" my designed surname "" and more often my firstname "6" on wildly pasted posters, objects and on the asphalt.
The 6´s i paint mostly while cycling. On better surfaces i paint optimized win with autohide toolbars, an browser trick named " favoritshortcuts/page.initials " and the single line "browserbar"_
_____________________________________________________________ ......? ?? x file edit logo! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
What other talent would most like to have? to sell my art
What do you fear the most? the car death (as a biker)
posted by Wooster on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 | link
noticed streetart in berlin
!âºâºâº/streetart#ââââ was here
shared by : slö
I. Wallerstein, 167, "The U.S. Has Lost the Iraq War"
List of previous commentaries in English and translations in other languages
Commentary No. 167, Aug. 15, 2005
"The U.S. Has Lost the Iraq War"
It's over. For the U.S. to win the Iraq war requires three things: defeating the Iraqi resistance; establishing a stable government in Iraq that is friendly to the U.S.; maintaining the support of the American people while the first two are being done. None of these three seem any longer possible. First, the U.S. military itself no longer believes it can defeat the resistance. Secondly, the likelihood that the Iraqi politicians can agree on a constitution is almost nil, and therefore the likelihood of a minimally stable central government is almost nil. Thirdly, the U.S. public is turning against the war because it sees no "light at the end of the tunnel."
As a result, the Bush regime is in an impossible position. It would like to withdraw in a dignified manner, asserting some semblance of victory. But, if it tries to do this, it will face ferocious anger and deception on the part of the war party at home. And if it does not, it will face ferocious anger on the part of the withdrawal party. It will end up satisfying neither, lose face precipitously, and be remembered in ignominy.
Let us see what is happening. This month, Gen. George Casey, the U.S. commanding general in Iraq, suggested that it may be possible to reduce U.S. troops in Iraq next year by 30,000, given improvements in the ability of the Iraqi government's armed forces to handle the situation. Almost immediately, this position came under attack from the war party, and the Pentagon amended this statement to suggest that maybe this wouldn't happen, since maybe the Iraqi forces were not yet ready to handle the situation, which is surely so. At the same time, stories appeared in the leading newspapers suggesting that the level of military sophistication of the insurgent forces has been growing steadily and remarkably. And the increased rate of killings of U.S. soldiers certainly bears this out.
In the debate on the Iraqi constitution, there are two major problems. One is the degree to which the constitution will institutionalize Islamic law. It is conceivable that, given enough time and trust, there could be a compromise on this issue that would more or less satisfy most sides. But the second issue is more intractable. The Kurds, who still really want an independent state, will not settle for less than a federal structure that will guarantee their autonomy, the maintenance of their militia, and control of Kirkuk as their capital and its oil resources as their booty. The Shiites are currently divided between those who feel like the Kurds and want a federal structure, and those who prefer a strong central government provided they can control it and its resources, and provided that it will have an Islamic flavor. And the Sunnis are desperate to maintain a united state, one in which they will minimally get their fair share, and certainly don't want a state governed by Shia interpretations of Islam.
The U.S. has been trying to encourage some compromise, but it is hard to see what this might be. So, two possibilities are before us right now. The Iraqis paper over the differences in some way that will not last long. Or there is a more immediate breakdown in negotiations. Neither of these meets the needs of the U.S. Of course, there is one solution that might end the deadlock. The Iraqi politicians could join the resisters in a nationalist anti-American thrust, and thereby unite at least the non-Kurd part of the population. This development is not to be ruled out, and of course is a nightmare from the U.S. point of view.
But, for the Bush regime, the worst picture of all is on the home front. Approval rating of Bush for the conduct of the Iraqi war has gone down to 36 percent. The figures have been going steadily down for some time and should continue to do so. For poor George Bush is now faced with the vigil of Cindy Sheehan. She is a 48-year-old mother of a soldier who was killed in Iraq a year ago. Incensed by Bush's statement that the U.S. soldiers died in a "noble cause," she decided to go to Crawford, Texas, and ask to see the president so that he could explain to her for what "noble cause" her son died.
Of course, George W. Bush hasn't had the courage to see her. He sent out emissaries. She said this wasn't enough, that she wanted to see Bush personally. She has now said that she will maintain a vigil outside Bush's home until either he sees her or she is arrested. At first, the press ignored her. But now, other mothers of soldiers in Iraq have come to join her. She is getting moral support from more and more people who had previously supported the war. And the national press now has turned her into a major celebrity, some comparing her to Rosa Parks, the Black lady whose refusal to move to the back of the bus in Atlanta a half-century ago was the spark that transformed the struggle for Black rights into a mainstream cause.
Bush won't see her because he knows there is nothing that he can say to her. Seeing her is a losing proposition. But so is not seeing her. The pressure to withdraw from Iraq is now becoming mainstream. It is not because the U.S. public shares the view that the U.S. is an imperialist power in Iraq. It is because there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel. Or rather there is a light, the light an acerbic Canadian cartoonist for the Calgary Sun drew recently. He shows a U.S. soldier in a dark tunnel approaching someone to whose body is attached an array of explosives. The light comes from the match he is holding to the wick that will cause them to explode. In the month following the attacks in London and the high level of U.S. deaths in Iraq, this is the light that the U.S. public is beginning to see. They want out. Bush is caught in an insoluble dilemma. The war is lost.
by Immanuel Wallerstein
[Copyright by Immanuel Wallerstein. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to download, forward electronically or e-mail to others and to post this text on non-commercial community Internet sites, provided the essay remains intact and the copyright note is displayed. To translate this text, publish it in printed and/or other forms, including commercial Internet sites and excerpts, contact the author at; fax: 1-203-432-6976.
These commentaries, published twice monthly, are intended to be reflections on the contemporary world scene, as seen from the perspective not of the immediate headlines but of the long term.]
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I. Wallerstein, 167, "The U.S. Has Lost the Iraq War": "Commentary No. 167, Aug. 15, 2005
Mother of Peace
Mother of Peace
Nothing is more emblematic of American democracy than the idea of one person standing up for his beliefs and in the process becoming the catalyst for a national debate. In the arena of civil rights, Rosa Parks' refusal to sit in the back of a Montgomery, Ala., bus was such an act. During the Vietnam War, Daniel Ellsberg's decision to give the media the Pentagon Papers detailing the secret history of U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia was another.
Now Californian Cindy Sheehan's August vigil on a sweltering roadway near President Bush's Crawford ranch has given a human voice and face to the revulsion of the carnage in Iraq. Sheehan, the mother of a 24-year-old Army specialist killed in Iraq last year, wants a face to face meeting with Bush to ask him what mission was worth her son Casey's life.
In a previous meeting a few months after his death, Sheehan says, the president seemed unaware of who her son was, addressed her as "mom" during the encounter and acted almost lighthearted. Now she wants a deadly serious discussion of why America invaded Iraq and how long the bloodshed will continue.
Mother of Peace
later: Thousands support woman at Bush ranch
Judge Fines Voices in the Wilderness $20K for Taking Medicine to Iraq
Today, the judiciary branch of the U.S. government upheld a $20,000 fine against Voices in the Wilderness for bringing medicine to Iraqi citizens. The judge agrees in essence that it was lawful and proper for the U.S. government to deny needed drugs and medical supplies to Iraq’s most vulnerable citizens, despite the evidence that several hundred thousand innocent children were dying because of brutal economic sanctions.
[Posted By Gregoire]
By CounterPunch Wire
Republished from CounterPunch
Voices refuses to pay: "We will not pay one penny of this fine."
On August 12, 2005 U.S. Federal District Judge John Bates ordered payment of a $20,000 fine imposed against Voices in the Wilderness. Voices was fined for bringing medicine to Iraq in a classic campaign of open nonviolent civil disobedience to challenge the economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. and the U.N. against Iraq. The U.S. Treasury Department initially imposed the fine in 2002, days after Voices participated in international actions to oppose the U.S. buildup for war against Iraq.
Judge Fines Voices in the Wilderness $20K for Taking Medicine to Iraq
Today in Iraq
Today in Iraq
atelier en woonst te huur...
Ik ben op zoek naar een nieuwe huurder voor de atelier en woonst die ik momenteel nog betrek. De totale kostprijs is 500 euro huur plus pakweg 140 euro kosten. Momenteel, zijn er drie mensen die mee in de atelier werken. Zij leggen elks maandelijks wat bij.
Ben jij geïnteresseerd deze schitterende ruimte over te nemen? Of ken je iemand anders? Bel me dan op 0473/759.991
Besef goed, dat ik er met pijn in het hart doorga. Maar mijn persoonlijke omstandigheden verplichten me er helaas toe... Je bent welkom om na afspraak eens een kijkje te komen nemen!
shared by : antistresspoweet
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Adbusters : Veg My Ride
Stephen Baughman
Adbusters : Veg My Ride
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Official Web Site of the 16th World Youth and Students Festival Caracas 2005-For Peace and Solidarity, we fight against imperialism and war!
The decision to hold the 16th World Youth and Students Festival in Venezuela on August 2005 was made on 6 January of this year, at a meeting of the General Council of the World Federation of Democratic Youth in which student and youth organizations from over 35 countries participated.
This unanimous decision was made in the spirit of friendship and solidarity and as part of the struggle for peace which has defined the WFDY for 59 years; it is sustained by a profoundly anti-imperialist sentiment and, today, it is inseperable from the struggle against neo-liberalism.
The World Youth and Students Festival soon to be held in our country is an expression of solidarity with and commitment to the struggles of Venezuelans, who work to materialize Bolivar’s dreams for the nation and consolidate the Bolivarian Revolution; it is also an expression of solidarity with Latin America and the Caribbean, regions that, today, lead the fight against neo-liberalism and imperialism.
Official Web Site of the 16th World Youth and Students Festival Caracas 2005-For Peace and Solidarity, we fight against imperialism and war!
Sadako and the peace cranes.
Photo by Jon Honda
of Seattle, WA.
August 6th has been 60 year since the horrors of Hiroshima.
After the extreme atrocity of the nuclear attack on Hiroshima, many were left ill or dying. One little girl, her name was Sadako, was struck by leukemia ten years after the dreaded attack. Years before she had been told the legend of the thousand cranes: one that would fold a thousand paper cranes, would be granted a wish... Longing to be able to walk again she set out folding cranes from the wrappers of medicine bottles. Sadly, after finishing over six hundred paper birds, she passed away...
Since then, the origami crane has been known as the peace crane, and has become a symbol of world peace due to the strength Sadako showed while fighting against her illness.
Learn how to fold the peace crane in contribution to our ongoing inner effort for world peace and let the story live among your friends and relatives:
World Peace Project for Children
shared by : paleajed
Open Source Free Energy Tech
shared by : paleajed
De homeopathie ligt onder vuur!
Unio Homeopathica Belgica - SOS Homeopathie
De homeopathie ligt onder vuur!
Het Ministerieel Besluit, opgesteld door Minister Rudy Demotte, met de bedoeling de erkenning van huisartsen te regelen, bevat enkele elementen die de mogelijkheid om ook morgen nog homeopathisch behandeld te worden sterk verminderen.
Lees hier waarover het gaat.
Indien u meer informatie wenst, kan u de volgende links volgen, of het nieuws lezen. U kan ons ook persoonlijk contacteren.
U kan onze actie steunen door hier de petitie te tekenen. Vraag al uw familie, vrienden, buren en kennissen deze petitie te tekenen!
De petitie kan ook getekend worden door ons deze gegevens door te zenden: voornaam, naam, postcode en woonplaats (eventueel beroep en commentaar). Dit kan per post, telefoon, fax of email.
In naam van 32 % van de Belgische bevolking die homeopathie gebruikt, danken wij u voor deze steun.
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Friday, August 12, 2005
Mother's Protest at Bush's Doorstep Raises the Stakes
CRAWFORD, Texas - For more than a year, a modest bungalow known as "Peace House," located a few miles from President Bush's ranch, has served as a headquarters for antiwar activists. It is lonely work, with little more than a skeleton crew on hand much of the time.
But then Cindy Sheehan hit town.
The 48-year-old mother of Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, who was killed in an ambush in Baghdad last year, is consumed by the kind of grief that turns into a furious determination to do something — in her case, to confront the president and force him to explain why her son died.
Now, in the space of just a few days, what started out as a seemingly quixotic personal mission has become something of a phenomenon — with media swarming around Sheehan, leading liberal and antiwar activists parachuting in to try to make her their long-sought voice, and political experts in both parties working to assess what role she may have in galvanizing the public's gathering unhappiness with the increasing American casualties in Iraq.
Mother's Protest at Bush's Doorstep Raises the Stakes
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Demonstrations in July Few, but Potent : Indymedia Belgium
In the US there were many actions against Military Recruitment at recruitment centers and Campuses. Result - Military recruitment way below their quotas.
Military recruiters are finding it difficult to complete the mission
of "No Child Left Behind" which it turns out is - there will be a place
for your children in the Military if they cannot make it to College.
Again in July, there were numerous actions against recruitment
centers, and it seems to be having an impact. Military officials have
lowered their quotas in the face of the falling numbers.
Demonstrations in July Few, but Potent : Indymedia Belgium
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Drug War Reality Tour
A controversial bus ride through America's heroin capital, Kensington, PA.
“When we talk about the ‘Drug War,’ we have to understand that it functions in a very specific way: it functions as a form of chemical warfare on the people in this country and throughout the world.”
Kensington, PA is one of the nation’s poorest and most neglected neighborhoods. Once a thriving industrial hub for the textile sector, during the late 1970’s Kensington was hit by a wave of de-industrialization which saw American jobs lost to the growing pool of sweatshop labor in Mexico and South East Asia. Today, Kensington’s two major sources of income are welfare and narcotics. As one of the biggest heroin distribution centers in the country, it is not uncommon to find addicts of all ages, crouched in broad daylight, shooting dope with purities ranging from 80 – 90%.
While the U.S. government spends increasingly more money on domestic law enforcement and Colombian paratroopers – all in the name of fighting the so-called War on Drugs – Kensington has spiralled deeper and deeper into abject chaos. Fuelling the crisis, jails are filled to capacity with non-violent drug offenders who, when they are released, cannot qualify for government-sponsored addiction treatment programs. And so a vicious cycle ensues, one that is contained to the Kensington area, where children are brought up in conditions that more closely resemble those of a developing nation than the world’s new imperial superpower.
In this 22-minute extended NewsVideo – scored by Crack The CIA’s DJ Trek-e – GNN takes you on a guided tour through the heart of America’s heroin capital. Sponsored by the Kensington Welfare Rights Union (KWRU), The Drug War Reality Tour, transports busloads of tourists to the battlefield of America’s own domestic Drug War, showing them every aspect of the drug game: from where the dope arrives to where it is sold and used. Throughout the tour, street-wise KWRU members break down facts about the narco-culture and how forces like police complicity and corporate investment are aiding and using the drug epidemic to drive Kensington’s people out of their own neighborhood in order to make room for new urban development.
So get on the bus and experience one of the most controversial and inspiring approaches to social activism ever conceived.
Directed and Edited by:
Stephen Marshall
Produced by:
Lisa Kawamoto Hsu, Ian Inaba
Score by:
Drug War Reality Tour
Spirituele guerrilla 008
het laatste deel
(uit het archief)
spijtig vind dat het niet in progressieve spelling is geschreven,
én dat m'n mening over de inhoud al veranderd is.
Desalnietemin een belangrijk dokument in m'n leven!
Spirituele guerrilla 008
shared by : de antistresspoweet
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Gayteens Executions in Iran
View Current Signatures - Sign the Petition
To: Western political leadersTiener homojongens geexecuteerd in Iran (English version below)
Afgelopen week werden twee homojongeneren in Iran geëxecuteerd. Zij werden veroordeeld vanwege hun homoseksualiteit. Meer dan een jaar werden ze in de gevangenis vast gehouden, waar ze al werden gestraft met 226 zweepslagen. Op 19 juli j.l. werden de jongens in het openbaar opgehangen. Mahmoud Asqari (16) en Ayaz Marhoni (18) zijn de volgende slachtoffers in een lange rij van executies op basis van homoseksualiteit.
Aan deze barbaarse en middeleeuwse toestanden in Iran moet direct een einde komen.
Homo- en mensenrechtenorganisaties over de hele wereld, nobelprijswinnares Shirin Ebadi, maar ook, en dat is uitzonderlijk, de oppositie in Iran veroordelen de executie van deze tienerjongens in scherpe bewoordingen.
Wij roepen:
-Onze regeringen op om de executies van de twee homojongeren scherp te veroordelen;
-Onze regeringen op om asielzoekers met als gegeven grond homoseksualiteit, niet terug te sturen naar Iran
-Onze regeringen op om politieke en economische sancties aan Iran op te leggen;
-Europa op om de onderhandelingen over een associatief verdrag met Iran op te schorten.
Laat je stem horen en sluit je aan met je proteststem. Samen maken we een verschil en roepen we onze regeringen op tot actie!
Gay teenagers executed in Iran
This week two gay teenagers were executed in Iran. Their only 'crime' was their sexual orientation.
After more than a year of imprisonment, where they had already been punished with 226 lashes, both guys
were hanged publicly on July 19th 2005. Mahmoud Asgari (16) and Ayaz Marhoni (18) are the next victims in Iran
in long series of execution upon basis of homosexual behaviour.
These barbarian and medieval events have to stop immediately.
Gay & Lesbian organisations, Human Rights organisations, Nobel Peace laureate Shirin Ebadi, and even the Oposition in Iran are sharply judging the executions of these teenagers.
We call upon:
-Our governments to sharply judge the execution of these gay teenagers;
-Our governments to not send back to Iran asylum-seekers upon basis of their homosexuality;
-Our goverments to reprimand Iran with economical and political sanctions;
-Europe to suspend the negations on a associative treaty with Iran.
Let your voice be heard! Together we hope to make an effort to call upon our governments, asking them to make a strong signal towards the Iranian government.Sincerely,
Saturday, August 06, 2005
in memoriam: Frans Pans
Frans Pans was als graficus en fotograaf een getalenteerd autodidact. Hij maakte zeefdrukken en tekeningen voor affiches van de vredesbeweging en de (o.m. feministische) ontvoogdingsstrijd, als documentair fotograaf vereeuwigde hij stakingsacties, provo-happenings in Amsterdam, Brussel en Antwerpen, vredesdemonstraties, fabrieksbezettingen en protestbetogingen, en als sociaal-fotograaf had hij oog voor uitsluiting en uitbuiting. Hij nam deel aan de groots opgezette artistieke projecten van Mass Moving en van Mass & Individual Moving. Daarnaast schiep hij in de jaren zestig en zeventig artistieke portretten ten behoeve van de literaire 5de Meridiaanreeks van uitgeverij Manteau, en maakte samen met de dichter Willie Verhegghe zeefdrukken voor de kunstmap “Spanje 1936-1976”. In 1968 was hij mede-oprichter en bezieler van het undergroundcafé De Dolle Mol, toen nog aan de Kaasmarkt te Brussel. Later stichtte hij nog tweemaal een artistiek café in de Marollenwijk (Het Vermiljoen en Den Tricoloren Keunink).
In 2002 was er in het gemeentehuis van Bredene een overzichtstentoonstelling van zijn fotografie, verzorgd door het Amsab ofte het Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis te Gent., waar zijn omvangrijk foto-archief toegankelijk is.
shared by : Herman J. Claeys
Thursday, August 04, 2005
World Tribunal on Iraq : Final Declaration of the Jury of Conscience : Indymedia Belgium
The World Tribunal on Iraq met in Istanbul from 24-26 June 2005. The principal objective of the WTI is to tell and disseminate the truth about the Iraq War, underscoring the accountability of those responsible and underlining the significance of justice for the Iraqi people. Here is the final declaration of the jury of conscience :
27th June 2005, Istanbul
In February 2003, weeks before an illegal war was initiated against Iraq, millions of people protested in the streets of the world. That call went unheeded. No international institution had the courage or conscience to stand up to the threat of aggression of the US and UK governments. No one could stop them. It is two years later now. Iraq has been invaded, occupied, and devastated. The attack on Iraq is an attack on justice, on liberty, on our safety, on our future, on us all. We, people of conscience, decided to stand up. We formed the World Tribunal on Iraq (WTI) to demand justice and a peaceful future.
The legitimacy of the World Tribunal on Iraq is located in the collective conscience of humanity. This, the Istanbul session of the WTI, is the culmination of a series of 20 hearings held in different cities of the world focusing on the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq. The conclusions of these sessions and/or inquiries held in Barcelona, Brussels, Copenhagen, Genoa, Hiroshima, Istanbul, Lisbon, London, Mumbai, New York, Ostersund, Paris, Rome, Seoul, Stockholm, Tunis, various cities in Japan and Germany are appended to this Declaration in a separate volume.
We, the Jury of Conscience, from 10 different countries, met in Istanbul. We heard 54 testimonies from a Panel of Advocates and Witnesses who came from across the world, including from Iraq, the United States and the United Kingdom.
The World Tribunal on Iraq met in Istanbul from 24-26 June 2005. The principal objective of the WTI is to tell and disseminate the truth about the Iraq War, underscoring the accountability of those responsible and underlining the significance of justice for the Iraqi people.
World Tribunal on Iraq : Final Declaration of the Jury of Conscience : Indymedia Belgium
Ondertussen in Boechout... : Indymedia Belgium
Israel: Het fascisme van de kolonisten : Indymedia Belgium
DE MARS VAN DE ORANJEHEMDEN Circa 2.000 tegenstanders van de voorgenomen ontmanteling van joodse nederzettingen in de Gazastrook hebben zich illegaal toegang verschaft tot het grote blok van nederzettingen Gush Katif. Volgens de media hebben de demonstranten militaire controleposten omzeild en maken ze zich op voor een confrontatie met politie en leger.
Volgens de Israelische vredesactivist Uri Avnery bedreigt een groot fascistisch kamp de democratie van Israel."
Israel: Het fascisme van de kolonisten : Indymedia Belgium
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