
Sunday, May 30, 2004

eMO*, dat is wereldnieuws op een schoteltje ... 

De elektronische nieuwsbrief eMO*, een coproductie van vzw Wereldmediahuis en IPS Vlaanderen, brengt wekelijks heel actuele informatie, op het snelle ritme van vandaag en met de mogelijkheid om als ontvanger zelf nog veel meer uit te zoeken via een aantal uitgezochte hyperlinks. Omdat eMO* wekelijks verschijnt is deze elektronische nieuwsbrief een onmisbare aanvulling bij de maandelijkse MO*.

U kan zich GRATIS inschrijven op deze nieuwsbrief door gebruik te maken van ons formulier. U bent al ingeschreven, maar kent in uw omgeving nog mensen die geïnteresseerd zijn? Laat ook hen kennismaken met onze service en stuur de nieuwsbrief door ...

Het MO*-team wenst u alvast veel leesplezier!

Wereldscan van deze week

is een internationaal nieuwsagentschap met oog voor het Zuiden. IPS legt zich toe op ‘global issues’ als milieu en ontwikkeling, mensenrechten, globalisering en de situatie van minderheden. De dagelijkse nieuwsdienst van IPS wordt gebruikt door media, ngo’s en instellingen die internationaal actief zijn.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

spirituele guerrilla 

De engtes in de kruik hebben mij al lang in de gaten

Alleen in mijn revolutie
In mijn ommekeer barst ik
Los in de storm des levens
En regen mezelf bij nachte
Over de wereld in trage, hysterische cirkels

Geen gips van licht
Die mijn breuk neurien kan
Zelfs niet de armoedige ochtend
Die de maan klauwend slaat

Geteisterd door de dwang van rustige regels
Die als een blinde drug mijn leven vergiftigen
En in wartaal mijn voetstappen naar nergens bewegen
Landt mijn regen in een helle dromenstad
Waar mijn zen groeit in hongerige
Panden en duistere krochten

Onheilige bodem van gouden daarom
Stoffige poort met erachter een gevleugeld gedacht
Dwarrelend kleed dat uitnodigend lotus gebaart
Leun je leugen op dit roestige schrijven
Drijf je maskers temidden van de een-
Zame hemel en gebruik de oogbal
Van je rechtvaardige stiltes
En plens je vertrouwde
Voeten als veertjes
Op mijn dronken

Regen ik mezelf in
Trage, hysterische cirkels
Verdrink totaal of
Breng de karavaan

uit Spirituele Guerrilla
shared by : Antistresspoweet

Nescio: 'Schrijft U over mij maar niks' 

Een groot dichter zijn en dan te vallen. Maar er kwam nooit wat van, want als je een dichtertje bent, dan lopen de mooiste meisjes altijd aan den overkant van de gracht. En zoo werd z'n hele leven één gedicht, wat ook vervelend wordt.

(uit: Nescio, Dichtertje, Nijgh & Van Ditmar, Amsterdam)


"Song for just another ugly stranger"

I may be weak;
but I'm strong too,
I'm twenty- six
and I'm sick;
I choke
and it ain't no joke
that I'm also sick of you!

Cause you...
You think you're the best
better than the rest,
a Satan, a God,
the biggest..!
you're nothin'
but a noisy ranger

your paintings sucks,
your body smells like shit,
you're drunk
as I am;
I'm twenty-six
and I'm sick...
Dirty old man,
in fact for me
you're just another ugly stranger

shared by : Stefanie Van de Velde 1999


"The soldiers deep within'"

When Time Goes By
And Kills The Pain;
And Time It Surely Will,
We'll Flow Together
Side By Side,
Skin To Skin,
We'll Glide With Pride
To The Soldiers Deep Within;
We'll Make Some Ardent Weather!

Some Turbulence
Who Can Deny
The Energies When We'll Pass By
We'll Tear Through Steel And Leather
With Eyes;
And Be One Between Whomever.

The Skeletons Which We'll Strip
With Nails,
Will Show The Memories
That Remain
Of The Soldiers That We've Been...

Through All The Ages,
All The Stages;
Through All The Pages That We Dial;
Time Goes By And Kills The Pain,
Let's Be Quiet,Enjoy The Rain
And Let's Wait A Little While

(Meet You In Heaven!...On Earth ? )

shared by : Stefanie Van de Velde 1995

Thursday, May 27, 2004

The mind of the world is a temporary file 

What you see is what you get
All is in your mind: match game set
If you have visions of revolution
Start with your bodily constitution

Death scratches us with it’s claws
The clock melts in it’s gentle jaws
All must come to it’s ferocious smile
United we rock the boat for a while

Revolution will come to you
Nothing more no thing less
If all the things you have to do
Aren’t anymore up to you

Brave is the one who finds one’s grave
Whilst surfing point break on a living wave
Don’t have to swim, don’t have to run
Just, stay cool at the barrel of any gun

shared by: Captain Zero


"Nobody in this town but me"

Deeper than the deepest sea...?
Nobody in this town but me
Oh yes, and I hear you say by now
That you too
know hurt
and how
you'd seen dark days
and how
you've prayed in vain
and how your hopes seemed
to vanish like snow in the rain...
Don't you realise dear
that you're just another number...
leaving a trace of.... nothing

(Hey...I'm Just pointing my finger to the ladies and gentlemen out there)

shared by : Stefanie Van de Velde

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

India 23 mei 2004, 

Tot op vandaag laten de ervaringen van toen me niet los. Zo dacht ik nog net aan Ram, wiens vader verslaafd is aan drugs. Hij is een jongetje van vier dat zich voortdurend verminkte door in zichzelf te bijten en de wonden open te krabben. Hij speelde nooit mee en zat meestal in een hoekje. Niet dat de andere kinderen niet om hem gaven, voor hen was hij gewoon een deel van de groep. Ik heb meerdere keren gezien dat hij geknuffeld werd door een ander kind. Hij werd trouwens beschermd door de oudste van de groep (11 jaar). Slechts uitzonderlijk zag je een glimlach op zijn gezicht. Hij sliep beneden in de eetkamer. En op een van de avonden heb ik hem zien rechtstaan en een autootje nemen om wat te spelen. Man dat was hard om te zien.

Een ding is zeker, ik weet niet hoe het komt, maar ik heb er 7 dagen buiten op de grond geslapen, met voortdurend lawaai om me heen, met een minimum aan eten en privacy en toch verdween de luxe waar ik normaal om geef in het niets.
uit het dagboek van in India


Advice for the youths of today: get from down under the system... there’s plenty of room at the bottom... there’s space enough to get all of your fantasies organised born onto the world: all the fruits of your imagination... make your own newspaper write it with pen and paper or type it on an old typewriter copy it at a copy centre or find a nice office and do it for FREE ‘the’ system talks about money and costs and competition and advertising and marketing... f*ck ‘them’ up they’re dead anyway and ‘the’ system don’t exist do it YOURSELF on a small scale that’s how the antistressgazetta got started using old typewriters hands and pens and free copy centres USE THE POWER OF YOUR IMAGINATION & VISUALIZE YOUR PHANTASY surely your ideas aren’t any more crazy than the ideas of people at the head of the oil and other concerns controlling or at least trying to control our world while they never will USE YOUR FREEDOM BEFORE THEY TAKE IT AWAY FROM YOU (with two television-sets and two cars and so on) your power is limitless like your imagination completely free learn to appreciate the rules of nature as you flow thru life: once you’re up then you’re down: nothing to fear MOTHER EARTH CARIES YOUR FEET like water caries a peace of wood... you have the potential to INFLUENCE HUMANITY THRU YOUR ART THE MUSIC YOU CREATE YOUR LANGUAGE YOUR WAY OF THOUGHT YOUR VIBRATION like a butterfly spreading it’s beautiful wings proudly from a long cocoon-dream and vibrates to the other side of the world or the whole universe for that matter YOUR UNIVERSE go out and create your own garden(s) of Eden * let go of this commercialised society * get lost * find wilderness * find extacy * go naked into the forest of life * be(come) A LIVING THEATRE EVERY SECOND YOU LIVE * breathe freedom * XPERIMENT * do make time° for life for your friends for a beautiful stranger for extacy and bliss for love for paradise lost for paradise found (DMT°) DO MAKE TIME for LOVE

Captain Zero

shared by : Captain Zero


Now Is The Time To Lighten Up, Enjoy The Music, Simplify Our Lives, Accentuate The Positive, Choose Peace, Choose Freedom, and Choose To Go To Health...
THE LIGHT PARTY a synthesis of the Republican, Democratic, Libertarian and Green Parties, is a PROACTIVE wholistic, educational, empowerment party.... We have formulated a practical, synergistic, 7-point WIN-WIN program which serves to successfully resolve our current socio- economic and ecological challenges...

We urge you now to SUPPORT THE PARTY and consider our progressive and enlightened programs. Together, through the POWER OF SYNERGY, we have an unprecedented opportunity now to co-create a new reality where Health, Peace, and Freedom for All prevails...

In Service To Humanity....

Da Vid, M.D. Artist & Founder, THE LIGHT PARTY
Director, The San Francisco Medical Research Foundation
Director, The Global Peace Foundation













I, ______________________________ , Being Aware that many of our activities and choices are seriously endangering the fragile ecosystems of our planet, Also being aware of the threats of nuclear war, and also being aware of the need to embrace eco-nomics, choose to commit my energies to protecting and restoring the Sacred Global Web of Life Here On Earth...

I choose to begin right now to strengthen my ways and values, and change whatever needs to be changed in myself and around me. I choose This Year, the year 2000, - The New Millenium - To
participate in supporting local and global initiatives which serve to protect and sustain this profoundly beautiful Jewel of Life we call Earth ..

Through this commitment I am now aligning my energies with millions of other conscious committed individuals who are working toward the manifestation of a sacred and realizable vision. Health Peace and Freedom For All...




vandaar naar:

http://www.lightparty.com/ActionAlerts.html (interesting list)

http://www.lightparty.com/PhiladelphiaResolution.html (digging into
one example)



LET THERE BE MORE LIGHT! with the Sounds of the Digeridoo

and so on...: Transpersonal psychology is interesting...

Tuesday, May 25, 2004





On top of that if you know me I pronounce you an ignu

Ignu knows nothing of the world

a great ignoramus in factories though he may own or inspire

them or even be production manager

Ignu has knowledge of the angel indeed ignu is angel in comi-

cal form

W.C. Fields Harpo Marx ignus Whitman an ignu

Rimbaud a natural ignu in his boy pants

The ignu may be queer though like not kind ignu blows arch-

     angels for the strange thrill

a gnostic women love him Christ overflowed with trembling

     semen for many a dead aunt

He’s a great cocksman most beautiful girls are worshipped by


Hollywood dolls or lone Marys of Idaho long-legged publicity

     women and secret housewives

have known ignu in another lifetime and remember their lover

Husbands also are secretly tender to ignu their buddy

oldtime friendship can do anything cuckold bugger drunk

     trembling and happy



Ignu lives only once and eternally and knows it

he sleeps in everybody’s bed everyone’s lonesome for ignu

     ignu knew solitude early

So ignu’s a primitive of cock and mind

equally the ignu has written liverish tomes personal meta-

     physics abstract

images that scratch the moon ‘lighningflash-flintspark’ naked

     lunch fried shoes adios king

The shadow of the angel is waving in the opposite direction

dawn of intelligence turns the telephones into strange animals

he attacks the rose garden with his mystical shears snip snip


Ignu with his wild mop walks by Colosseum weeping

he plucks a clover from Keats’ grave & Shelley’s a blade of


knew Coleridge they had slow hung-up talks at midnight over

     tables of mahogany in London



sidestreet rooms in wintertime rain outside fog the cabman

     blows his hand

Charles Dickens is born ignu hears the wail of the babe

Ignu goofs nights under bridges and laughs at battleships



ignu is a battleship without guns in the North Sea lost O the

     flowerness of the moment

he knows geography he was there before he’ll get out and die


reborn a bearded humming Jew of Arabian mournful jokes

man with a star on his forehead and halo over his cranium

listening to music musing happy at the fall of a leaf in the moon-

     light of immortality

table-hopping most elegant comrade of all most delicate man-

     nered in the Sufi court

he wasn’t even there at all

wearing zodiacal blue sleeves and the long peaked conehat of

a magician

harkening to the silence of a well at midnight under a red star

in the lobby of Rockefeller Center attentive courteous bare-

     eyed enthousiastic with or without pants

he listens to jazz as if he were a Negro afflicted with jewish

     melancholy and white divinity

Ignu’s a natural you can see it when he pays the cabfare


pulling off the money from an impossible saintly roll

or counting his disappearing pennies to give to the strange

     bus-driver whom he admires

Ignu has sought you out he’s the seeker of God

and God breaks down the world for him every ten years

he sees lightening flash in empty daylight when the sky is blue

he hears Blake’s disembodied Voice recite the Sunflower in a

     room in Harlem

No woe on him surrounded by 700 thousand mad scholars

     moths fly out of his sleeve

He wants to die give up go mad break through into Eternity

live on and teach an aged saint or break down to an eyebrow


All ignus know each other in a moment’s talk and measure

     each other up at once

as lifetime friends romantic winks and giggles across conti-


sad moment paying the cab goodby and speeding away up-




One or two ignus in the Pack

one laughing monk in dungarees

one delighted by cracking his eggs in an egg cup

one chews gum to music all night long rock and roll



one anthropologist cookoo in the Petén Rainforest

one sits in jail all year and bets karmaic racetrack



one chases girls down East Broadway into the horror movie



one pulls out withered grapes and rotten onions from his pants



one has a nannygoat under his bed to amuse visitors plasters

     the wall with his crap

collects scorpions whiskies skies etc. would steal the moon if

     he could find it

That would set fire to America but none of these make ignu

it’s the soul that makes the style the tender firecracker of his


the amity of letters from strange cities to old friends

and the new radiance of morning on a foreign bed

A comedy of personal being his grubby divinity

Eliot probably an ignu one of the few who’s funny when he


William of Paterson a dying American ignu

Burroughs a purest ignu his hearcut is a cream his left finger

Pinkey chopped off for early ignu reasons metaphysical spells

     love spells with psychoanalysts




his very junkhood an accomplishment beyond a milliondollars



Celine himself an old ignu over prose

I saw him in Paris dirty old gentleman of ratty talk

with longhaired cough three wormy sweaters round his neck

brown mould under historic fingernails


pure genius giving his fiving morphine all night to 1400 passengers

     on a sinking ship

‘because they were all getting emotional’

Who’s amazing you is ignu communicate with me

by mail post telegraph phone streets accusation or scratching

     at my window

and send me a true sign I’ll reply special delivery



Knowledge born of stamps words coins pricks jails seasons

     sweet ambition laughing gas

history with a gold halo photographs of the sea painting a

     celestial din in the bright window

one eye in a black cloud

and the lone vulture on a sand plain seen from the window of

     a Turkish bus

It must be a trick. Two diamonds in the hand one Poetry

     one Charity

proves we have dreamed and the long sword of intelligence

over which I constantly stumble like my pants at the age six__



NY 1958


(plagiated from kaddish allen GINSBERG)


Saturday, May 22, 2004

we'll be there ... hoping ... 



Er steken bomen in de geijkte deur
Open dicht artifisiëel licht
Zelfde ritueel elke dag
Gewapend met borsten en blote benen
Vouw je de wereld tot een gekleed gedicht
O! pen die zich tot je vijgenblad richt
Bloed groen uit je tere ad'ren
En bewapen je blinde massagraven tot op de tanden
Er steken bomen in de kisten
Dor en afgeslepen om de broeierige lijken heen
Neem dan je BMW landrover en omarm je broos kind ermee
Ram er op los in de gekelderde wegen van dit verstedelijkte bos.

shared by : antistresspoweet

Thursday, May 20, 2004


(Uit de nog onafgewerkte siklus)

Niet alleen de joden
Ook de kristenen
Ook de vrij zinnigen
Evenals de moslims
De hindus
Ook de boeddhisten
Alsook de reeds ingekisten
En de gebetonneerden

Op de brandstapel
In het vage vuur
In het heldere water
In de gaskamer
In de nuklejeire voorkamer
Met een rake mokerslag
Of met geweld
Indien nodig

Blinkt de dageraad
In het oog van de maan
Dag zegt de lange nacht
En op komt de ronde zon
Vierkant tuimelt licht
In de hangende wind
Zingt een bang kind
Zichzelf een weg

Door deze nare wereld
Met vol wassen ogen
Aftastend regen
Een koele zegen
Rollend vangen
De gekuilde wangen
Glinsterende regenbogen

Traan voor traan
Druppel voor druppel
Huilt ze
Het verderf
Van de wereld
Van zich_t

shared by : de Antistresspoweet

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Biologische Bloembollenactie 

een bijdrage van Velt vzw aan de campagne
10 op 10 voor de biologische landbouw


Bestel uw biologische bloembollen voor 11 juni 2004.

Bolgewassen als snijbloemen
en waarom niet uit je moestuin?
met lijst snijbloembolgewassen geschikt voor sier- of moestuin

What Is Copyleft? 

Copyleft is a general method for making a program free software and requiring all modified and extended versions of the program to be free software as well.

The simplest way to make a program free is to put it in the public domain, uncopyrighted. This allows people to share the program and their improvements, if they are so minded. But it also allows uncooperative people to convert the program into proprietary software. They can make changes, many or few, and distribute the result as a proprietary product. People who receive the program in that modified form do not have the freedom that the original author gave them; the middleman has stripped it away.

In the GNU project, our aim is to give all users the freedom to redistribute and change GNU software. If middlemen could strip off the freedom, we might have many users, but those users would not have freedom. So instead of putting GNU software in the public domain, we ``copyleft'' it. Copyleft says that anyone who redistributes the software, with or without changes, must pass along the freedom to further copy and change it. Copyleft guarantees that every user has freedom.

Copyleft also provides an incentive for other programmers to add to free software. Important free programs such as the GNU C++ compiler exist only because of this.

Copyleft also helps programmers who want to contribute improvements to free software get permission to do that. These programmers often work for companies or universities that would do almost anything to get more money. A programmer may want to contribute her changes to the community, but her employer may want to turn the changes into a proprietary software product.

When we explain to the employer that it is illegal to distribute the improved version except as free software, the employer usually decides to release it as free software rather than throw it away.

To copyleft a program, we first state that it is copyrighted; then we add distribution terms, which are a legal instrument that gives everyone the rights to use, modify, and redistribute the program's code or any program derived from it but only if the distribution terms are unchanged. Thus, the code and the freedoms become legally inseparable.

Proprietary software developers use copyright to take away the users' freedom; we use copyright to guarantee their freedom. That's why we reverse the name, changing ``copyright'' into ``copyleft.''

also check out:


Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Free Culture 

A superb lecture by
Lawrence Lessig on
copyright and
free culture.

Available in Flash, Powerpoint, and MP3 audio.

creativity as a hostage of the past :

how shakespeare came free
how nobody can do to Walt Disney what he did to the Grimm bros.
how there's a policestate in every computer

where lots of other
may be

also check out:

What Is Copyleft?

Monday, May 17, 2004

long live the internet! 

US powerless to halt Iraq net images
By Robert Plummer
BBC News Online

Last year's US-led war in Iraq presented a showcase for the Pentagon's superior military technology - but as the occupation drags on, gadgetry is increasingly showing another side of the American armed forces.

When the shocking images depicting the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by US troops began to surface, it became clear that many of them were amateur pictures, apparently taken by soldiers using their own private digital cameras.

The internet also played a role in the distribution of the photographs, highlighting the ease with which troops serving in Iraq can now send pictures to friends and relatives back home.

Many of these are quite innocuous, the equivalent of the snaps taken by tourists abroad. But whatever the content, the images are not subject to any kind of military censorship and are transmitted freely back to the US.

In his testimony to congressional committees, Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld indicated that the flood of pictures was now beyond the US authorities' control.

"There are a lot more photographs and videos that exist," he said. "If these are released to the public, obviously it is going to make matters worse... I looked at them last night and they are hard to believe."

...from :

shared by : a zerohero

Friday, May 14, 2004

have your brain washed 

shared by : jan


shared by : slö & willy

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Thursday, May 13, 2004

just read and smile 

>> As I head off to Baghdad for the final weeks of my stay in Iraq,
>>> I wanted to say thanks to all of you who did not believe the
>> media. They have
>> >done a very poor job of covering everything that has happened. I'm
>> sorry that I
>> > have not been able
>> > >to visit all of you during my two week leave back home. And just
>> > so you can rest
>> > >at night knowing something is happening in Iraq that is
>> > noteworthy, I thought I'd
>> > >pass this on to you. This is the list of things that has
>> > happened in Iraq recently:
>> > >(Please share it with your friends and compare it to the version
>> > that your paper is
>> > >producing)

ok... let the party start,

by Raed in the Middle


te lambermontmartre

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

zo leven de dieren Bert 

22 mei tot en met 27 juni in Cultuurcentrum Luchtbal
Columbiastraat 110 - 2030 Antwerpen.


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Bush takes Greenpeace to court 

flash movie

Tue 10 May 2005

Question: What do the following have in common?
A tall blonde
A 55 year old teenage runaway
A top Miami lawyer
A Brazilian legislator
The US Attorney general, John Ashcroft
A former Clinton aide
A death threat
19th century brothels
Oh... and a lot of trees

Answer: Greenpeace

Throughout the 33-year history of Greenpeace the most unexpected people have come together to protect the environment and used non- violent direct action to highlight environmental crimes and injustice.

But this collection is perhaps one of the most extraordinary. What they do in the coming weeks could have significant implications not only for the future of Greenpeace in the United States, but also for civil disobedience and the right to freedom of speech for all in America and even beyond.

Next week, on May 17th, Greenpeace USA will be under threat of being declared a criminal organisation at the behest of the US Attorney General, under an obscure law that has been invoked only twice in its 130 years on the statute books - the last time was more than 100 years ago.

Individual activists have been prosecuted in the past for carrying out action in support of Greenpeace campaigns worldwide - it is not unusual, and those individuals are prepared to take the consequences of their actions.


Ashcroft vs. Greenpeace Overview

Join the Greenpeace cyberactivist community and start making waves.


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circles in a marvelous fotolog 

the circle game

After posting the first image, i walked back into the studio and discovered something that somehow, had managed to escape me: i had moved from imagery involving "grids", "windows" and "doors" and have been painting circles for months. The surprise, that the merging of the 2 worlds had been well on it`s way before i was conscious of it, was a powerful confirmation of the goals i had set for myself and reinforced for me one of the most necessary components of creative work: trust in the process. I share this because it always helps me to read something that i already know and because, being able to participate in the experiences of those around you is a necessary component of community.
by neene

series start here

Open brief : De Coninckplein  


Een aantal mensen (zie hieronder P.S. ) kwamen op 6 mei samen om de volgende open brief (zie onderaan) op te stellen. De bedoeling is om de aandacht te vragen voor de situatie op het De Coninckplein en om met de open brief naar de media te werken. Indien je wil ondertekenen, stuur een bericht naar Edwin Delanoeye ( edelanoeye@hotmail.com) en vermeldt je volledige naam en eventueel uw organisatie of hoedanigheid . Wil je meer doen? Je bent welkom op de volgende (werk)vergadering op het DeConinckplein ( afspraak voor Café Karibu) op dinsdag 11 mei van 18u tot 20u.

Vriendelijke groeten,

Jos Geudens

P.S. : Eerste ondertekenaars : Koen Calliauw (onafhankelijk districtsraadslid), Frank Cool (De Ketelpatrouille), Philipe De Craene ( Volvox BAD), Edwin Delanoeye (Attac-Ronde van het Noord), Mieke Everts ('t Vlot), Jos Geudens (Attac-A'pen), Jan Van Buggenhout (De Ketelpatrouille), Tony van Montfoort (BAD) , Nico Volkeryck ( Groene Zelfstandigen ) , Dirk V.G. ( BAD ), Ahmed Ibrahim, Dame Diouf, Diane De Laet, Edouard Moubalu, Emmanuel Baulus, Frank Stappaerts, Guy Mennen, Hilde Gielen, José Jaspers, Mark Duyclos, Marijke, M atthieas Corteel, Marijke , Rik Hancké,

Open brief

Als mensen die wonen, werken en leven in Antwerpen Noord en samen met individuen en groepen die in deze wijken zeer uiteenlopende initiatieven ontwikkelen en/of eraan deelnemen, maken wij ons ten zeerste ongerust over een aantal recente ontwikkelingen in deze wijken. Ondermeer het gevoerde beleid rond het De Coninckplein baart ons zorgen. Het is een aangenaam pleintje geworden midden in het hart van " l' Anvers Africain ", een mooi voorplein van de nieuwe bibliotheek ook, dat vraagt om leven en invulling. Hier wringt nu net het schoentje. Enerzijds wordt in de pers een vrij negatief beeld opgehangen van het plein, vaak gebaseerd op mededelingen en uitlatingen van politiemensen die verantwoordelijk zijn voor deze wijken ( Cf. Gazet van Antwerpen, De Standaard van 6 mei ) en die het De Conickplein steevast verbinden met criminaliteit en overlast. Anderzijds praten ook officiële en minder officiële stadsgidsen die het plein bezoeken met de hen toegewezen groepen over het hoge criminaliteitsgehalte van het plein, daarbij weinig gehinderd door enige kennis van feiten, sociale achtergronden, gewoonten en gebruiken van de bewoners van de wijk en het plein. Ook in allerlei vormen van het wijkoverleg is de politie steeds aanwezig en worden de situatie en eventuele problemen in de wijk overwegend door een bril van criminaliteit- en overlastbestrijding bekeken. Als kers op de taart de politiebarak : zeer discreet pal voor de bibliotheek geplaatst. Misschien tempert dit het onveiligheidsgevoel voor sommige bezoekers van het plein. Voor haar bewoners en vaste gebruikers is dit een vorm van intimidatie. Daartegen wensen wij met klem te protesteren.

Met hetzelfde discours rond veiligheid en overlast wordt het mensen van - in casu - Afrikaanse origine, actief in de gemeenschappen op en rond het De Conickplein, er vaak ook levend en werkend, verboden om nog een feest te organiseren op het plein. De aanvraag van de voorzitter van een Afrikaanse zelforganisatie om een feest te organiseren op het De Coninckplein op 5 juni, goedgekeurd door de cultuurcel van het district Antwerpen, werd negatief beoordeeld door de politie. Een vertegenwoordiger van een andere
Afrikaanse zelforganisatie kreeg op het wijkoverleg van 28 april in het Permeke gebouw - waar culturen elkaar ontmoeten staat te lezen op de gevel, je moet net boven de politiebarak kijken - te horen dat er geen enkele organisatie nog toelating krijgt om een feest te organiseren op het plein. Dat 'privilege' komt nu exclusief de Zomer van Antwerpen toe met de overigens zeer gesmaakte en gewaardeerde woensdagavondconcertjes tijdens de maand augustus.
Maar mensen die actief zijn, georganiseerd zijn in zelforganisaties en met hun gemeenschap een leven hebben op en rond het plein, wordt dit verboden. Is dit op initiatief van de politie ? Dat kan dit onze ongerustheid over de ontwikkelingen in deze stad en wijken enkel maar voeden. Het ligt niet binnen het takenpakket van de politie om een beleid rond een plein vorm te geven. Is dit een raadsbesluit ? Dan neigt dit naar racisme van overheidswege. En zeker naar de geest van de wet is hier sprake van een schending van burgerlijke vrijheden. Ook hier wensen wij met klem te protesteren en vragen de onmiddellijke intrekking van het adhoc politiereglement/raadsbesluit ? dat - Afrikaanse - mensen en organisaties verbiedt op het plein waar zij wonen, leven en werken, dat zij frequenteren, nog feesten te organiseren.

Tegenover het gevoerde discours en de repressieve beleidspraktijk stellen wij een emancipatorische aanpak voor, mét de mensen die in de wijk en op het plein leven, wonen en werken. Een aanpak voor een levendig plein, waar àl haar bewoners, ongeacht hun sociale situatie en hun afkomst, zich veilig en aanvaard weten. Met bibliotheekbezoekers en -personeel. Met zwarte, blanke, Aziatische en Maghrebijnse horeca uitbaters. Kortom, met alle mensen die de veelzijdige charmes - die het De Conickplein, ondanks alle negativisme erom heen, steeds heeft gehad - hebben gemaakt en weten te smaken en appreciëren.

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Narcissistic Personality Disorder 

From Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association, 4th edition, 1994, commonly referred to as DSM-IV.

"An all-pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or in behaviour), need for admiration and a marked lack of empathy which starts at early adulthood and is present in a variety of contexts."
At least 5 of the following should be present to qualify a person as suffering from NPD:
(1) Possesses a grandiose sense of self importance (for example: exaggerates his achievements and his talents, expects his superiority to be recognised without having the commensurate skills or achievements).
(2) Pre-occupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance and beauty or of ideal love.
(3) Believes that he is unique and special and that only high status and special people (or institutions) could understand him (or that it is only with such people and institutions that it is worth his while to be associated with).
(4) Demands excessive and exceptional admiration.
(5) Feels that he is deserving of exceptionally good treatment, automatic obeisance of his (usually unrealistic) expectations.
(6) Exploitative in his interpersonal relationships, uses others to achieve his goals.
(7) Lacks empathy: is disinterested in other people's needs and emotions and does not identify with them.
(8) Envies others or believes that others envy him.
(9) Displays arrogance and haughtiness.

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supermad ~ superbad 

SUPERBAD go little cowboy go.

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Sunday, May 09, 2004

>How do you explain the face of the American soldier, leering over the faceless, naked bodies to a child? How do you explain the sick, twisted minds? How do you explain what is happening to a seven-year-old?<

by riverbend

sean spoke of america, as a whole, losing it's flag...it's pride and meaning...america losing what it stands for due to back handed tactics and political jargon...we do not invade...we liberate...it all makes so much sense to me now...we could not fly the flag because of a word...we could not fly the flag because where our flag goes it brings a trail of war with it...we conquer...we assimilate...we americanize...we outpost and fortify......we do these things and the world sees it...the world bears witness and it testifies...
flying flag=invading force
hidden flag=friendly, helpful neighbor
the american flag does not fly in iraq...

by turningtables

ecological email 

Do check out this provider: care2 email (via google). First
ecological email I have encountered. Every mail I send, I help to
save the rainforrest.

Love, Erwin.

Care2 make the world greener!
Support Care2 Email: Stop "scientific" whaling, the whale-killing loophole

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix 

teken hier een leuke petitie

en maak hier zelf een petitie aan

Thursday, May 06, 2004

short story 

shared by : slö

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Zero Times Infinity 

The Goal of Zero Times Infinity is experimentation of all forms, with a consideration of all sound creating devices as equally deserving of the title 'musical instrument' and all forms of consciously manipulated sound as valid. Experiments may be focused on chaos, perception, thought control, releasing listeners from thought control, heightened & lowered awareness, among other possibilities.

Zero Times Infinity has over the years gone through a metamorphosis from performance to performance and is always close to the time of self-destruction and reinvention.

Updated & Expanded Regularly. Created & Maintained by Deftly-D (a.k.a. D. Dodson) deftlyd@hotmail.com. © copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Voidstar Productions. Feel free to copy use & distribute this information in any way that promotes the electronic experimental underground...

Coy Jacob about the zero-time myth

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Going to the mountains 

foto : slö

Mijn jongste reportage, over de guerillakampen
van de Koerdische Arbeiderspartij PKK in Noord-Irak,
is vanaf vandaag te bezichtigen op mijn website.
Surf naar www.nickhannes.be
en klik vervolgens op "Going to the mountains".


more iraq ...

salam pax riverbend ...turningtables...

more nick ...


Verdrukte Volkeren uit het Midden-Oosten uit het verleden

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poem by NARI 


from the workxspace

current project index

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Wednesday, May 05, 2004


the O O O game
shared by : slö

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Zero in Four Dimensions: 

Cultural, Historical, Mathematical, and Psychological Perspectives

"A delightful site for writers and lovers of words and language. It is all about the number zero, its place in the history, philosophy, and world literatures.

We have heard of calling someone 'a total zero' as an insult, but what does 'zero' really mean? This thoughtful and informative Website from Dr. Hossein Arsham, Wright Distinguished Research Professor of Statistics and Management Science at the University of Baltimore, discusses the history and philosophy of zero.
Items presented in this site include arguments for and against dividing by zero, the ideas of zero as a void and as a number, zero in limits, square roots, and divergent series and floating points. The text is peppered with links to related mathematics, computer science, and history of mathematics sites. The Zero Saga is a good read for mathematicians, college and graduate level students in mathematics, or anyone interested in logic.

A discussion of the mathematical problems associated with the number zero. The purpose of this page is to raise students and teachers awareness of issues with zero and other numbers. Imprecise mathematical thinking is by no means unknown. But, argues Dr. Arsham, we need to think more clearly if we are to keep out of trouble. This site is entertaining and educational, two concepts that need to go together in math education. The Menu has links to quickly bring the viewer to the desirable section. Scrolling through the document is also an option

Presents a historical and cultural views of Zero including detailed account of the Islamic Culture to its major development and its influence into European Culture which enabled scientists to do computations which were not possible with the dominated Roman numbers with serious drawbacks including lack of zero."

Zero Saga

Numbers Rule the Universe.

-- Pythagoras

The introduction of zero into the decimal system in the 13th century was the most significant achievement in the development of a number system, in which calculation with large numbers became feasible. Without the notion of zero, the descriptive and prescriptive modeling processes in commerce, astronomy, physics, chemistry, and industry would have been unthinkable. The lack of such a symbol is one of the serious drawbacks in the Roman numeral system. In addition, the Roman numeral system is difficult to use in any arithmetic operations, such as multiplication. The purpose of this site is to raise students and teachers awareness of issues in working with zero and other numbers. Imprecise mathematical thinking is by no means unknown; however, we need to think more clearly if we are to keep out of confusions.
Professor Hossein Arsham


A Common Fallacy
Dividing by Zero Can Get You into Trouble!
A Sample of the Grown-ups' Arguments Insisting on Dividing by Zero
What About Taking the Limit?
Educating the Educators
Act of Dividing by Zero Is a Meaningless Operation: Forget Its Result
Origin of the Common Fallacy: Dividing by Zero
The Need for Numbers
The Two Notions of Zero
Is Zero Either Positive or Negative?
Is Zero an Even or Odd Number?
Zero is "not there"
Is 1 a Number or Just a "Unit" for Counting?
Origin of Infinity and its Symbol
Other Apparent Difficulties with Zero
Descartes' Representations of Numbers
Vectors and Numbers: Two Distinct Representations of Numbers
Multiplication of Two Fractions
Multiplication of Two Negative Numbers
Trigonometric Functions and Measuring Angles
Mathematics Is for Unification and Extensions
Genealogy of Rational and Irrational Numbers
The Two Numbers Nature Cares Most: Inventions or Discoveries
Equation: Its Structure, Roots, and Solutions
SQRT(4) = +2, and - 2 right? Misplacement of the Sign
1 = 2 right? Confusions between Continuous and Discrete Variables
1 = 5 right? Confusions between Numbers and Operations
Recurring Fractions Are Rational Numbers: Confusions between Series and Their Limits
IEEE Special Floating Point
0 = 1 right?
Taking Square Root of Both Sides of an Equality
Manipulation on Divergent Series
Taking Conventions for Proofs
From Finger Numbers to Computer: The Most Fascinating Journey
Errant Views and Calculator-assisted Experiment
Notes, Further Readings, and References
A Collection of JavaScript E-labs Learning Objects, Europe Mirror Site Collection

Zero Saga
Zero is a number, and a concept for "nothing."
"What number will you get if you break 4 into zero equal parts?" The answer to this question is that, it is impossible to break anything including numbers into zero equal parts. Right. Try to break an apple into zero equal parts!

Zhlanko's Zero Sum Mary

zero lost
zero cries
zero flies
zero complies
zero walks
zero to perdition
zero to witness
zero again
zero happy
zero twisted
zero monkeys
zero dreams
zero repetition
zero happening
zero opening
zero muesli
zero break fast
zero lies
zero tries
zero truth
zero options
zero blindness
zero frogs
zero bust
zero drugs
zero thoughts
zero whispers
zero flips
zero standstill
zero rabbits
zero sleep
zero trip
zero slut
zero guts
zero puke
zero sight
zero pride
zero flowers
zero overcomes
zero tricks
zero bastard
zero shrimps
zero washmachines
zero clings
zero to you
zero fool
zero crazy
zero love
zero hate
zero fate
zero bisexual dandy
zero hetero
zero sapiens
zero plops
zero floppp--s
zero succes
zero loss
zero times
zero space
zero ground
zero cows
zero boys
zero bits
zero bites
zero girls
zero power
zero pleasure
zero sadness
zero madness
zero logic all
zero gadget
zero jazz
zero magic
zero mistress
zero pockets
zero bingo
zero go
zero stop
zero red
zero light
zero fear
zero beast
zero numbers
zero feast
zero plants
zero seeds
zero misdeeds
zero lies
zero pumpernikkel
zero stones
zero bones
zero life
zero death
zero recharge
zero come back
zero come black
zero moslim
zero wasp
zero jew
zero hindu
zero buddha
zero buddhist
zero zen
zero locate the hero
zero and so on
zero soon
zero spoon
zero on the moon
zero interplanetary
zero scary
zero life
zero interchange
zero rearange
zero stance
zero love
zero blowjob
zero machines
zero electricity
zero root
zero babylon
zero the truth is on
zero crush
zero attack
zero bomb
zero backlash
zero local population
zero call
zero prayer
zero suspicion
zero terrorism
zero conception
zero unease
zero trouble
zero friction
zero massacre
zero power
zero force
zero trance
zero dance
zero wake up call
zero good morning
zero alcohol
zero crime
zero tollerance
zero hectic
zero scar
zero forever
zero end ever
zero harsh
zero easy
zero remise
zero rider
zero fighter
zero guerrilla
zero identification
zero network
zero victims
zero interpellation
zero trace
zero stage
zero pollution
zero house
zero mansion
zero dna
zero fathers
zero mothers
zero countries
zero ahead
zero culture
zero accidents
zero roof
zero freedom
zero cuts
zero silence
zero flight
zero noise
zero coöperation
zero clarity
zero inscription
zero words
zero worlds
zero cells
zero detectives
zero operations
zero entry points
zero isolation
zero linkages
zero leaks
zero in order
zero sleep
zero resurrection
zero blood
zero bodies
zero survival
zero come back
zero flock
zero sheppard
zero waits
zero on hold
zero eye
zero sit in
zero be in
zero alive
zero tires
zero moves
zero ties
zero flows
zero bends
zero all ways

shared by : Zhlanko

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Sunday, May 02, 2004


shared by : slö

wild flowers have pretty names.

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a bridge sOo far 

construction and deconstruction shared by : slö

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